
Explain the following:

(I) PN junction diode in forward bias:-

When a diode is connected in a forward bias condition a negative voltage is applied to the n type material and a positive voltage is applied to the P type material. If the external voltage becomes greater than the value of potential barrier which is 0.7 volt for Silicon and 0.3 for Germanium then current will start to flow. 

(II) Zener effect:-
Zener Effect /diode is a type of electrical breakdown. it occurs in the reverse bias PN junction diode when the electric field enables tunneling of the electron from the valence to the conduction band of a semiconductor, leading to numerous free minority carrier which suddenly increased the reverse current. 

(iii) Avalanche effect : -
It is a sudden rapid increase in the current when a sufficient amount of electrical force is applied to the semiconductor material. 

(iv) Reverse saturation current :-
It is a kind of leakage current or invented current flows when Semiconductor devices are reverse bias. 


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