

  Determine the resistor value required to use 0-1 mA meter with an internal resistance of 125 Ω for a 0-1 V meter. Ans. _ e = 1v, I = 1mA, r = 125 Ω R = e/𝐼 − 𝑟 = 1𝑣 /1𝑚𝐴 − 125 Ω  = 1000 − 125Ω = 875 Ω  Hence, the required Resistor value is 875 Ω.

ammeter and voltmeter

Ammeter and Voltmeter are connected in series and parallel respectively. Why? Ans. In series connection, the same current flows through all the components.  Ammeter aims at measuring the current flowing through the circuit and hence, it is  connected in series, so that the same current that is there in the circuit flows through  it and gets measured. Voltmeter aims at measuring the amount of potential difference across a resistor or  series of resistor. A voltmeter measures the potential difference of the circuit and it  has high internal resistance. When the voltmeter is connected in parallel with a circuit  component, the amount of current passing through the voltmeter is very less.  Therefore, the current through the circuit is unaltered.

working of PMMC meter

Discribe the working of PMMC meter. Ans . The PMMC stands for permanent magnet moving coil and it is also called as D’Arsonval instruments. The PMMC works on the electromagnetic effect. A permanent magnet is used to produce magnetic flux and a coil that carries the current to be measured moves in this field. As the pointer is connected to the coil it gets deflected in proportion with the current. When a current carrying conductor placed in the magnetic field experiences a force. It is given by the expression is given below, F=BIL Where, F=Force in Newton, B= Flux density in Tesla, I= Current in ampere, L= Length of conductor in meter


Explain the analysis of RLC network with and without initial condition with the help of laplace. 

maximum power transfer

Proof maximum power transfer theorem.  Let us consider a two Terminal network.  The original two terminal circuit is replaced with a Thevenin’s equivalent circuit across the variable load resistance. The current through the load for any value of load resistance is On  differentiating PL with respect to RL and equate to 0, we get Now substituting RL with Rth in PL then the maximum power delivered to the load is

duality of network

Explain the duality of network with example.  A dual of a relationship  is one  in which current and voltage are interchangeable two networks are dual to each other if one has mesh equation numerically identical to others node equation .  According to duality of network there are some dual pairs: Elements            Dual elements voltage                current  short circuit        open circuit  series                  parallel  Norton                 Thevenin  resistance           conductance  impedance         admittance  KVL                     KCL  capacitance        inductance

planar and non planar

What is the difference between planar and non- planar graph?  PLANNER GRAPH :- • A graph in which the direction of current or direction or of Edge is given is called planar graph.  • planar graph is also known as oriented graph.  Non-Planar graph:- •  A graph in which the direction of current age is not given is called Non - Planar graph.  • Non- planar graph is also known as unoriented graph.